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People Who Sparkle - Joe Polito

We fell in love with Joe in a way some might call Love at first TikTok. Joe is a world traveler who is constantly giving us wanderlust and if he isn't traveling then he...

We fell in love with Joe in a way some might call Love at first TikTok. Joe is a world traveler who is constantly giving us wanderlust and if he isn't traveling then he is  shooting stunning creative fashion content.  Joe has been a wonderful support of the brand so obviously we needed to share with all you how he truly sparkles. 


Where is fashion heading for 2022 and beyond?

Fashion is heading in a direction that consists of authenticity and individuality. Wearing outfits not to fit in, but to feel comfortable and powerful in the ways which we choose to express ourselves.

What would be some sparkling words of encouragement you would give to your younger self? 

Never change who you are for other people. At the end of the day, your happiness should always be your number one priority, so always make sure you’re doing things that make you feel happy. Also, be patient. You don’t need to have it all figured out or have all the answers; trust the process, embrace your truth, and do what you love.


How do you leave your sparkle in the world?

Smiling and laughing! Smiling not only offers a serotonin boost, but it can make someone's day so much better. I want to be remembered as someone who loves to smile and have a good laugh, and make others feel the same.  

What is one item in your wardrobe everyone should own?

A simple blue denim jacket! I think it is such a fun way to pull an outfit together and can work with so many different looks. Also, to spice it up, you can add some colorful vintage patches or pins to give the jacket some zing. Get one and have fun with it!!


Do you have a story about an outfit, accessory or item of clothing that really made you feel like you sparkle?

I was gifted a compass ring by my brother in-law a couple of years ago and it remains one of my favorite rings today. It reminds me of my passion for travel and I wear it all the time!

What is your favorite thing that sparkles? 

My aquamarine crystal necklace is my favorite thing that sparkles! Aquamarine is my birthstone and is a stone representing passion and courage. It helps calm energies and quiet the mind. It can help overcome judgment and invoke tolerance of others. It’s extremely meaningful to me and definitely my favorite thing that sparkles.

What did you learn about yourself or a skill you picked up during the pandemic? 

I think the pandemic gave everyone a chance to introspect and learn certain things about themselves that maybe they never got the chance to in their busy day to day lives. For me, I learned that creativity brings me so much drive and happiness. Creating anything from scratch gives me a chance to escape and be mindful at any given moment. I spent a lot of the pandemic focusing on creative projects and learned that it’s something I want to practice my entire life.

What tips would you give someone who wants to get into content creation? 

Create content that is authentic to you, not what you think will get the most views or likes. A lot of creators will start posting content with the intention of going viral. My advice would be to create what you are most passionate about and focus on consistency. This will give your content more substance and longevity, along with providing you more excitement for the creative process.  


Follow Joe on IG and Tiktok to keep with his fashionable adventures. 

Images by Domenic Carmine

5 comments on People Who Sparkle - Joe Polito
  • ✔ Cooбщeниe.Oпoвeщaeм o пoтpeбнocти пoлyчить пoдapочный билeт.
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    ✔ Cooбщeниe.Oпoвeщaeм o пoтpeбнocти пoлyчить пoдapочный билeт. Для aктивaции c выcoким шaнcoм нa кpyпный выигpыш пepeйдитe > ✔December 07, 2022


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  • 🔥 Сообщение,нa вaш aдpec пpиcлaли билeт нa лoтo. Boйдитe нa нaшeм caйтe -> 🔥
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